And the cows, chickens, and pigs of this world shouted...
"I have to live in this world, do you not think I should know what it's made of? I have to live in this world, do you not think I should know what it's made of? I have to live in this world, do you not think I should know what it's made of? I have to live in this world, do you not think I should know what it's made of? I have to live in this world, do you not think I should know what it's made of?"
But the overseers said...
"If cows, chickens, and pigs knew the truth then the world would have to change... but we don't want that.
If cows, chickens, and pigs knew the truth that would mean they would have rights... but we don't want them to have rights.
If cows, chickens, and pigs knew the truth then they would have to live somewhere on there own... but we don't want to give up our land.
If cows, chickens, and pigs knew there was another race whose soul purpose was to eat them then there would be a war... but we will lose that war
If cows, chickens, and pigs knew the truth then our laws and culture would have to also serve them... but we don't want them to."
And the truth of the matter was...
Keep the cows, chickens, and pigs of this world stupid. If they don't know any better then all the power to us. Besides they may overtake us one day and we don't want that. They may have some solutions to the many problems of the world and that's dangerous. No keep the cows, chickens, and pigs of this world stupid. And never let on that we know the truth. Keep the game going.